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A message from the AWA VIC President

Written by Emma Milburne & Suzanne Knight | Jul 24, 2023 1:08:59 AM

2023 continues with new opportunities and challenges. The AWA VIC Committee are focused, engaged and ready to serve our purpose which is to “Inspire and drive a sustainable water future”. 

As we enter a new financial year - new pricing periods, major projects and long-term challenges and objectives provide huge opportunities across the water industry. AWA VIC looks forward to creating a platform for all Victorians connected to water, to share information and knowledge, connect with each other and inspire positive change.

Nominations are open for the VIC Water Awards, closing on 17th August. Winners will be announced at the AWA VIC 60th Gala Dinner and Awards evening on 26th October and then progress to the national awards at OzWater’24 – hosted in Victoria!  We can’t wait to see the (always) high calibre of entries across the state. There's a lot to celebrate in our sector – whether you are in government, business or a not-for-profit organisation, we are all contributing in important ways to the management of a vital resource.

As well as a full calendar of professional development opportunities, technical events and informal sundowners, the Young Water Professional (YWP) Regional Conference is one not to be missed – open to all ages, this year’s event is heading out to the beautiful Goulburn region.

We’re thrilled to welcome new members to the AWA VIC Committee, and would like to thank those continuing on. Commencing in June, Suzanne Knight was elected Vice President of the VIC Committee, please join us in congratulating her. You can read more about Suzanne through her bio below. We’d also like to extend a huge thank you to outgoing committee members for their dedication and passion throughout their term.

We look forward to connecting with you throughout the year!


Emma Milburn (President)

Emma is an innovative thinker and collaborative leader and colleague. She has spent much of her career working across the Asia Pacific region, with cross functional, matrix structured teams. Providing strategy and direction for a range of programs, designed to provide awareness, drive a brand and build internal and external eco-systems..


Suzanne Knight (Vice President)

Suzanne is Manager of Strategy and Policy at Greater Western Water, responsible for water resource policy and corporate strategy.

Prior to that she held a range of leadership roles at the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action including as Director of Water Sector Resilience and Emergencies and as Project Director of Liveability Victoria International - in partnership with Global Victoria.