Understanding PhD graduate experiences transitioning from academia to the professional sector

Do you hold a PhD from an Australian University? Are you currently working in the water sector? UNSW are researching PhD graduate experiences transitioning from academia to the professional sector, including via this voluntary Survey
AWA is currently working with a group of university and industry members to deliver a grant program funded by the Australian Government via the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
As part of this program, researchers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) are conducting a project to understand PhD graduate experiences transitioning from academia to the professional sector, with a particular focus on the water sector.
The research project is looking for people who want to take part in this research and who:
- Hold a PhD granted from an Australian university; and
- Are currently working (or have recently worked) in the water sector.
Participation in this research is voluntary and should only take 20 minutes, as outlined in the Participant Information Statement, which contains a full description of the research activities, risks associated with these activities and any discomforts that you may experience during the research.
The research questions addressed are:
- How relevant are the skills acquired during a PhD to water industry roles?
- Were there cultural influences on skill development and transition?
- What challenges were faced in the transition from academia to industry?
- What support mechanisms and success factors were or should be available?
Your input will help shape the future of industry engagement and cultural diversity in doctoral studies, and contribute to Careers in Water: a unifying and compelling initiative of AWA and the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) to increase awareness of and promote careers in the water sector.
If you have any questions about the survey or program, please get in touch with Project Lead, Nicky Bekker – nbekker@awa.asn.au