Hunter Water aims to dodge drought with backup supply 4 Jun As dams run low across New South Wales, Hunter Water has turned to the Tomago sandbeds to provide additional water security.
A new ‘best way’: how standardisation leads to success in the water sector 31 May Far from unchangeable rules that have been set in stone, standards can be a catalyst for innovation and improvement.
Queensland drinking water dams switch on to hydropower 29 May Queensland is turning its drinking water dams into hydropower hubs as part of its push to achieve 50% renewable energy by 2030.
What are the challenges of supplying recycled water? 28 May Population growth means an increased demand on drinking water supplies, and a greater need to use the ‘right’ water for the ‘right’ job.
How Western Water is building a resilient water supply network 27 May In one of Australia’s fastest-growing regions, a Victorian water corporation is putting strategies in place to safeguard water resources.
Join the resource revolution with SUEZ 6 May As part of its drive to lead the resource revolution, SUEZ is creating new models, technologies and smart solutions to reinvent the way we … Read more