Tune in as Brendan Moore, Donald Hughan and Lewellyn Prain discuss what further work needs to be done to better include all Members and Staff working in the Water industry who are LGBTIQ+ and/or have a disability.
Join host Jo Taranto as she interviews Brendan Moore, Co-Founder of Pride in Water and Donald Hughan and Llewellyn Prain of WaterAble.
Pride in Water aims to create safer work place cultures for LGBTIQ+ staff, connecting them allies within the water industry to provide support, mentoring and guidance for LGBTIQ+ staff.
WaterAble are a network of people with disability and their allies in the Victorian water industry to improve inclusion and access for employees and customers with disability, raise awareness about the rights of people with a disability and promote disability pride.
WaterAble supports people with disability to progress their career and share good ideas and practices across the industry to support the employment of people with disability to advocate for all members.
Listen below.