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Ozwater’24: Making the most of Day Three

Written by James Greene | May 1, 2024 1:12:34 AM

As Ozwater’24 delegates prepare for tonight’s Gala Dinner and Australian Water Awards, the final day of the conference is just around the corner. 

Here are some of the Day Three program highlights to plan for, including keynote presentations, climate challenges forums and presentations across a variety of curated streams. 

Follow the links below to add sessions to your conference program on the Ozwater’24 online platform

Keynote speakers

So far, Ozwater’24 attendees have heard from a host of incredible plenary speakers, including:

  • Gina Chick (International rewilding facilitator and winner of Alone Australia, Season 1); and
  • Corey Tutt (Founder, DeadlyScience)

For the last day of Ozwater’24, delegates are invited to enjoy closing keynote presentations exploring the theme Inspiring and Empowering our people. Speakers including Sam Bloom and Kala Vairavamoorthy will speak on the challenges they've faced and provide advice and inspiration to delegates.

Day three streams

Following the final keynote presentations, delegates once again have a program packed full of curated presentations to choose from including:

Delegates are encouraged to come along and participate in discussions around these issues. 

Exhibition Hall 

Given the array of streams and presentations on offer, it can be easy to forget all the action on offer in the Ozwater’24 Exhibition Hall. But Day Three is the perfect time to wander the variety of stalls showcasing leading water business offerings. 

With hundreds of companies and innovations to encounter, the Exhibition Hall gives delegates the opportunity to make new connections and learn about industry developments.

Haven’t caught one of the Exhibition Stage presentations yet? Why not check out the sessions on Blockchain Technology, Water Infrastructure Systems and more.

Closing Networking Drinks

Ozwater’24 has introduced many new themes and sessions this year, but one thing that remains the same is the many opportunities for water professionals to catch up with colleagues from around Australia and the world. 

To round out Day Three and Ozwater’24, delegates are invited to gather for one last time at the Closing Networking Drinks on Thursday afternoon. 

With loads of new ideas and learnings to discuss with colleagues, the Closing Networking Drinks gives water professionals the chance to catch up, debrief and farewell Ozwater’24. 

We look forward to seeing you on Day Three of Ozwater’24