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Ozwater’23: Making the most of Day Two

As Day One of Ozwater’23 draws to a close, delegates are catching their breath after a packed schedule of informative and thought-provoking presentations, forums and panels, and turning their attention to what’s on offer tomorrow.

Here are some of the program highlights to plan for, including more opportunities to learn, share and engage. Follow the links below to add sessions to your conference program on the Ozwater’23 online platform

Yarning Circle 

Tomorrow’s plenary address from successful lawyer, entrepreneurial leader and proud Yawuru/Bunuba woman Cara Peak is not to be missed. Following Peak’s presentation, delegates will be invited to join Ozwater’s very first Yarning Circle. 

A key highlight of Ozwater’23, the Yarning Circle is a way to share knowledge, to speak and listen from the heart, and has been practiced by First Nations communities for thousands of years. 

The Yarning Circle at Ozwater’23 will encourage delegates to sit together in groups of 20 people to listen to others, and to learn and share their views in a safe space. Each Yarning Circle will be led by a First Nations representative from the Australian Water Association’s Principal and Platinum member organisations. 

Day Two Panels 

Aside from the dozens of presentations on offer under the Ozwater’23 program streams, delegates are also invited to consider attending one of the impressive panel sessions organised for Day Two. 

Aurecon will lead the Challenging Conversations interactive workshop, with the conversation focused on one key question: does our impact match our good intent? Participants will hear from a range of speakers, be challenged by provocative questions and be asked to reflect as a community to address the gaps in a range of industry issues.

For those delegates interested in exploring international partnerships for water and climate action, the Partnerships to Build Water Sector Strength and Accelerate Climate Resilience session will feature a presentation from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Australia’s water priorities in the Indo-Pacific.

The Building Climate Resilient Water Management session will be presented in two parts, offering delegates perspectives from leading organisations in international development, as well as insights from international water utilities and their responses to water resilience and climate adaptation challenges.

The Water Services Association of Australia will lead two sessions, with the first focusing on the latest developments for the National Water Initiative: Securing the Future of Water for People and Communities

In the second session, Going Above and Beyond, industry leaders will share insights on how we can set ambitious net-zero targets, collaborate across the industry, and drive innovative solutions to create a truly sustainable and thriving future.


Day Two of Ozwater’23 has six workshop options on offer, dishing up an array of in-depth discussions for delegates to engage with. Workshops to pick from include: 

  • Water Gone Wild, facilitated by the AWA Water Quality Specialist Network
  • A Great Regional Debate, led by AWA NSW Regional Champions and asking, “Should regional water utilities invest in catchment management more than treatment?” 
  • Competition for Recycled Water in a Hydrogen Future, facilitated by AWA Water Recycling Specialist Network
  • NHMRC Consultation Workshop: community water planner, led by the National Health and Medical Research Council
  • Diverse Values of Water: convergence of traditional, local and western knowledge for climate resilient water management, facilitated by the Australian Water Partnership
  • Supporting Customers Through the Cost of Living Crisis, led by the Water Services Association of Australia. 

Gala Dinner 

When it comes to Ozwater highlights, it doesn’t get much bigger than the Gala Dinner – one of the most anticipated social events on the annual water community calendar – where some of the sector’s brightest talent will be celebrated. 

For the Australian Water Awards finalists, the wait will finally be over as award winners are revealed. 

The Association looks forward to welcoming delegates in the Grand Ballroom at the International Convention Centre in Sydney, and to celebrate the industry’s successes while enjoying a three-course dinner, drinks and entertainment. 

We look forward to seeing you on Day Two of Ozwater’23