Celebrating water leaders in Western Australia

The Australian Water Association's (AWA) Western Australian (WA) Water Award winners have been announced at the WA Branch 50th Anniversary Dinner & Water Awards on 28 October at The Ritz-Carlton Perth.
The WA Water Awards recognise the contribution of the Association's members for their inspiring leadership and innovative research, programs and infrastructure projects.
AWA CEO Corinne Cheeseman congratulated all the finalists and winners for their hard work and outstanding achievements.
"It's inspiring to see such a diverse range of award finalists, operating across so many aspects of water management and from both the public and private sectors, as well as academia," Cheeseman said.
"This year, we have seen innovative work that will assist in being able to more sustainably manage water resources in the state, enabling its transition to a more water sensitive state.
"I would like to congratulate all finalists and winners, as they embody our purpose to inspire and drive a sustainable water future."
This year's WA Water Award winners will represent the state in the national Australian Water Awards, which will be presented at the Association's annual water conference and exhibition, Ozwater'23, in Sydney.
Organisational Excellence Award:
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation – 2022 Gnangara groundwater allocation plan
The 2022 Gnangara groundwater allocation plan sets out the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation's management of Perth's largest and most important water resource. Innovative science, planning and communication supported the development of the Plan, which details how we will manage the Gnangara groundwater system in adapting to climate change.
R&D Excellence Award (sponsored by Water Research Australia):
Tessele Consultants – Driving Circular Economy in the Red Meat Industry
The digital tool is a model for an interactive digital design based on the concept of assisting red meat processors to transition their wastewater treatment facilities into resource recovery plants. This enables the industry to get closer to its net-zero goals confidently while increasing environmental compliance.
Infrastructure Project Innovation Award (METRO):
GHD, Sacyr, Water Corporation and Westforce Construction – Neerabup Groundwater Scheme Expansion
The Neerabup Groundwater Scheme upgrade has increased potable water production in Perth’s north by 50 megalitres per day. Together with the Beenyup Groundwater Replenishment scheme, the upgrade completes an indirect potable reuse scheme and allows Water Corporation to sustainably deliver an additional 11 GL/yr of drinking water to the area.
Student Water Prize (Sponsored by GHD):
Irina Sankoff, Murdoch University – Catching Collie’s Future
Our population is increasing, rainfall is projected to decline, and we will experience higher-intensity rain events. This puts a massive strain on our water infrastructure and water supply services. How can we improve existing neighbourhoods and transition into Water Sensitive Cities?
Young Water Professional of the Year (sponsored by Xylem):
Phillip Meng, Senior Analyst – Data Products, Water Corporation
Phillip is an emerging leader at Water Corporation, providing innovative solutions using data analytics for many valuable and complex problems. He is keen to help others to share expertise and technical knowledge, as well as foster connections through the young professionals committee at Water Corporation.
Water Sensitive Urban Design*:
DevelopmentWA – OneOneFive Hamilton Hill
OneOneFive Hamilton Hill by DevelopmentWA incorporates water supply diversification, a reduction in water demand, and water sensitive urban design (WSUD) to support ecosystem function and community wellbeing. Learnings are shared via the Waterwise Exemplar Program to assist industry transition to a more water sensitive Perth.
*State based award only
A video profiling our award winners can be found here.
The Association congratulates all the award finalists and winners and thanks our partners and sponsors for supporting this event and these important industry awards. Find out more about each of our program partners below.
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Water Corporation
Sacyr Water Australia
Acciona Agua
Eurofins ARL
Steel Mains
Water Research Australia
The photo gallery for the event can be found here.