Meet the new SA Member Engagement Manager: Marc Sneddon
The Australian Water Association’s South Australian Branch sat down with the new SA Engagement Manager Marc Sneddon to find out more about him.
Diploma in Mining Engineering
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Current Employer
Current Position
Member Engagement Manager - SA
Describe a typical workday
Creating/reviewing to do list
Reviewing business priorities and linking activity to these
Answering emails
Attending AWA meetings
Meeting Members
Committee activities
Do you have children?
I have a daughter and a son
How do you maintain balance between your work and personal life?
I have goals/objectives for both. I tend to plan a few weeks ahead so potential conflicts can be identified and managed. AWA also provides a lot of flexibility. I definitely attempt to stick to a daily/weekly routine re work, excercise and social time.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
What is your dream job?
Being Bruce Springsteen
Career path
Engineer, Production Manager, Area Manager, State Manager, Regional Manager, Group Manager
Career highlight(s)
First sales contract, improving employee engagement, improving safety performance
What's the most unusual thing that's happened to you at work?
When I was a coal miner I used to travel 5kms to work, descend 1000m and travel 5kms to the coal face which was under where I lived.
What is the most important factor for success?
Be happy
What are the important qualities required to be a good manager?
Empathy, active listening, positivity, and energy
What changes or trends are happening in the water industry?
In my short time in the industry the key issues for me are being able to capture more water. This will reduce potential supply volatility, improving supply certainty. Aquifer recharge is a good example of this. The second issue is to ensure we use water efficiently and always re-use.
Dogs or cats?
I love dogs
What can’t you do without?
Rugby, AFL or soccer?
I love all ball sports. Soccer is my first love, but I am also passionate about AFL.
Hobbies past or present?
I used to play soccer. I like to walk, cycle, read, listen to music. I also enjoy Sudoku and cryptic crosswords
What’s in your music player currently?
Lots. I am using Spotify to expand my musical experience. Recently I have been listening to classics from the 50s.
Do you have any other Volunteer roles?
I volunteer 1 day per week at Treasure Boxes. They are an amazing organization who look to assist those impacted by poverty and domestic violence. I would like to ask anyone who reads this to check out their website and get on board.
What is your favourite film?
The Shawshank Redemption
Who do you admire?
Martin Luther King
What would your dream holiday be?
Renting a villa in the Algarve, Amalfi and Santorini. Enjoying local food and wine. Walking and swimming.
What was your first job?
Bank teller (remember them?)
If you could invite four people to dinner who would they be?
Bruce Springsteen, Alex Ferguson, Richard Branson, Kamala Harris
What was a defining moment in your life?
Meeting my wife
What advice would you give to a young person just starting out in our industry?
Take your time, learn well, be curious, seek challenges, find great coaches and mentors, be happy