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Get to know SA committee member Brett Reichstein

Written by Water Source | Jun 13, 2019 12:22:02 AM

The Australian Water Association’s South Australian branch sat down with committee member Brett Reichstein to learn more about what makes the Frameworks Manager at Fulton Hogan tick.

Tell us about your career path.

I’m currently enjoying my role as framework manager at Fulton Hogan. To be honest I have never really been driven to have an end goal or pinnacle that I want to reach.

I do like challenges and accept these as they arise, so what happens next is anyone’s guess.

What is a typical workday like for you?

Up early and into the office. My role is vast, so I share my time between office work, visiting our many sites and meeting with SA Water in the delivery of the frameworks.

What is your dream job?

I don’t know what it would be, but I do love the ocean. Having a job where I was in or near the ocean every day would be great.

What are some of your hobbies?

Anything outdoors or in the ocean. Surfing, fishing, hiking and the odd round of golf are my main staples.

What is your favourite film?

I’m a bit of a Lord of the Rings fan.

What would your dream holiday be?

On a yacht, island hopping through the Pacific.

Dogs or cats?

I’m a dog man. My Rhodesian Ridgeback is a great, loyal family pet who is dearly loved. No room for cats I’m afraid.

What was a defining moment in your life?

Having my first child at 24 was a defining moment for me. It made me start focusing more on what lies ahead as opposed to living in the now.

What changes or trends are you seeing in the water industry?

Being involved in the rollout of the SA Water Smart Network Projects has been an interesting time. It is only starting to scratch the surface of what can be achieved in this space of low cost, bulk data collection and analytics in the water industry.

What is the most important factor for success?

Being respectful. This attribute leads into other factors like honesty, integrity and having strong moral and ethical principles and values. Success is a by-product of these.

What advice would you give to a young person just starting out in our industry?

Listen and learn. No matter your education or experience, there is so much to learn from so many diverse individuals in this industry. I’m still learning every day even after 24 years.