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SA Water for Growth update

Did you know that the Department for Environment and Water and the Australian Water Association have been engaging with members and other industry leaders over recent months on a new plan for water and the economy in South Australia?  Well if you didn’t and you want to find out more, read on!

We all know that water is essential for the future of South Australia and is critically important for many of our industry sectors, but how best do we position water and the water sector as a sustainable economic enabler over the coming decade?

This question and the formation of an associated plan for action, ‘Water for Growth’, is a key focus of the South Australian Water Ambassador, the Hon Karlene Maywald, which is drawing in the perspectives of the water sector and other industries’ through the SA Branch of the Australian Water Association.

Over the last few months, a number of engagement activities have been held on Water for Growth, which has included:

  • An initial information session to raise awareness and generate interest in the process;
  • An industry survey to elicit the perspectives of those in the water sector and other industries on the importance of water to economic expansion, key issues and opportunities and where effort is most needed in South Australia over the coming years;
  • An industry workshop during OzWater 2021 in Adelaide, consolidating industry views into a small number of core priorities for action;
  • Targeted one on one discussions with industry leaders.

There is significant momentum for establishing a greater role for the water sector in South Australian to enable more productive and sustainable industry growth, focussing on action in the following thematic areas:

  • Transformative, productive and resilient infrastructure;
  • Innovation and accelerated technology adoption;
  • Skills, training, workforce and water literacy;
  • Industry collaboration, engagement and governance;
  • Policy, regulatory and procurement enablers.

Water for Growth will be further developed into a tangible plan for action, translating the industry perspectives gained from this engagement into specific joint areas for investment by government and the private sector.  Further targeted consultation will occur on this plan over June and July.

If you want to find out more and/or be engaged in the next stage of Water for Growth, please contact Marc Sneddon, South Australian Member Engagement Manager at