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AWA’s international program organises its first hybrid session at Ozwater’21

Written by Water Source | May 7, 2021 3:27:18 AM

The Australian Water Association has just facilitated its first hybrid sessions at Ozwater of which many activities had a significant international online representation from across the Asia Pacific. These included:

  • Over 50 water professionals from Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Australia involved in our Water Utility Improvement Programs
  • Over 100 water professionals, laboratory staff, and government officials from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Indonesia involved in the surveillance of COVID-19 in water and wastewater environments
  • Over 50 young water professionals from across the Asia-Pacific joined us online to hear a virtual recording of the Ozwater'21 YWP program, further developing the Australia-South East Asia-Nepal Young Water Professional Network

Through support from the Australian Government and Australian Water Partnership (as Ozwater’21 International Development Partner), the Association ran specific activities during the week, to further the relationship between the Australian water sector and developing countries across the Indo-Pacific. The key activities which the AWA facilitated during the week included:

Water Utility Improvement Program

We brought together participants from our Water Utility Improvement Program in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam to share the progress made and to discuss the ongoing use of digital platforms to provide an alternative knowledge sharing approach during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Environmental surveillance

We facilitated the sharing of knowledge and experiences, especially in the use of surveillance methods to detect COVID-19 in water and wastewater environments. Participants from across the Mekong region joined online to hear more about the methods that are being implemented across Australia and the additional benefits they are providing to governments in targeting their response to the pandemic. We are working with in-country partners to tailor these methods and demonstrate the benefits to each Mekong countries’ recovery approach.

Emerging water leaders’ program

We facilitated a virtual knowledge-sharing session with young water professionals from across the Asia-Pacific and shared a recording of the Ozwater’21 YWP program. The AWA, with support from its Association partners, is now developing an online emerging water leaders’ program to enhance the opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst YWPs.

For further information on AWA international activities please contact Paul Smith at