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Become a Water Ambassador

Written by Australian Water Association | Mar 18, 2024 2:39:53 AM

AWA is seeking to extend our network and reach both within and beyond our members and the water industry. Our new Careers in Water Program (CiW) is working towards better engagement with schools to encourage students to be aware of and attracted to opportunities in the water industry now and in the future. The National Water Week Ambassador concept has been around for over 15 years, but to meet these objectives it’s time to make it available year-round.

Teachers and schools are seeking to have Water Ambassadors at the times that are relevant to their school curriculum throughout the year. AWA has thousands of passionate advocates who we would like to engage to maximise coverage and awareness about the value and breadth of opportunities to engage with and/or join the water sector.  

Webinar and face to face options will be promoted for presentations, which will better enable regional and remote members and schools to participate. It will meet the needs of both schools and Water Ambassadors who might prefer the online option ,as many schools have classroom webinar capability. 

We provide a Water Education Toolkit that relates to curriculum-based learning and includes engaging 'tried and tested' activities to assist you with your presentation. Being a Water Ambassador brings your unique knowledge and experience to share with students, your passion for the importance of water, whilst boosting your confidence, refining your leadership and presentation skills, and adding to your CV credentials. 

We are excited to invite you to be part of the new revitalised Water Ambassador Program and inspire the next generation! 

To be a Water Ambassador you need to: 

  • Be an AWA member or be employed by an AWA Corporate Member 
  • Be open to and able to visit and connect with students at a school - there are various student levels and options of activities and presentations for you to present 
  • Complete your registration with detail and enthusiasm for schools to understand what you can bring to their students 
  • Have an active Working with Children check (required for in-school sessions) 

Sign on today as a Water Ambassador.  

What happens after you have registered? 

  • You will receive a confirmation of submission 
  • Registration approval within 7 days  
  • Your profile will be available on the website and can be edited if necessary   
  • You will then be ready to mutually contact a school or perhaps work with a school you already have a relationship with. 

More information about the program including FAQs can be found on the National Water Week website including registration for Water Ambassadors and Schools. You may also like to check out the Careersinwater website.