The outflow of water from any system, such as a sewer network, wastewater treatment plants or wastewater from industrial and commercial processes. There are numerous examples of recycled water schemes across Australia where wastewater is treated to produce the recycled water, particularly for non-potable use.
Rainwater and Stormwater Harvesting
Rainwater that is collected or harvested from stormwater drainage systems. In urban areas this includes the rainwater runoff from roads, buildings and open lands, usually carried away by drains.
The Blackmans Swamp Creek stormwater harvesting scheme in Orange is the first large scale, indirect-to-potable stormwater harvesting project in Australia. The scheme can provide around 1300 ML of additional water into the Orange’s raw water supply each year from the city’s stormwater system, meeting around 25% of the city’s total water needs. The scheme involves capturing a portion of the high flows in Blackmans Swamp Creek during storm events, and transferring these into the nearby Suma Park dam to add to the city’s water supply.
Uses for Recycled Water
The recycled water source water is treated and recycled water produced to ensure it is suitable for its end uses. Managing the risks enables recycled water to be used in various ways including:
● Drinking (potable) water – refer to as Purified Recycled Water for Drinking (PRWD)
● Non-drinking uses in households, watering golf courses and recreational parks
● Industrial uses such as washing and cooling in power stations and factories
● Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, pasture, flowers, viticulture
● Fire fighting
● Aquifer / Groundwater Recharge – further information below
● Environmental flows and wetlands