I was part of the inaugural national Young Water Professionals (YWP) committee, which helped seed the amazing and active AWA YWP network that we have today. This has created a fantastic opportunity for YWPs to develop their careers and connect with peers across the country. Through my involvement on various AWA committees and the Strategic Advisory Council I have developed a great network of like-minded water professionals from across Australia.
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State and territory branches across Australia offer events, networking and programs tailored to local needs. Your branch is the gateway to Australia’s largest water network including dedicated communications and local stories, Young Water Professionals, and professional development opportunities.

Nic Morgan
Suburban Land Agency, ACT Branch Vice President
Amanda Hazell
Melbourne Water, VIC Branch PresidentIn my current role I lead a diverse team who provide reporting and insights into our Capital portfolio, to support decision making so that investments meet stakeholder and community expectations. I have loved being involved in AWA throughout my career and it has been an honour to lead the Victorian Branch through a time of such significant change and keep the industry connected through this time.

Peter Spencer
Water Corporation, WA Branch PresidentThe water cycle really is becoming a closed loop and I see my role as helping to make that happen as efficiently, effectively and sustainably as we can. For me in my day job that's about the treatment technologies, but for me in the AWA it’s about learning, supporting and promoting the myriad disciplines that work on so many endeavours across the water sector. Developing our regional tour program in WA has been one of the most rewarding for me.

Ursula Taylor
Derwent Estuary Program, TAS Branch PresidentI am the current CEO of the Derwent Estuary Program with a keen focus on water quality and communicating this science to enable environmental management of the estuary. In my short time on the TAS committee I have relished the connections with people from the water sector through YWPs, Ozwater and our own ‘Where the Waters Meet’ conference and I have been impressed and invigorated by their enthusiasm for innovative water management.

Kathryn Silvester
Sydney Water, IWAA Branch PresidentI work in resilience and climate change adaptation and aspire to do work that challenges me, leverages off my skills, where I can collaborate with and empower others to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
I feel privileged to meet and work with inspiring thought leaders, emerging water professionals and technical experts from around the world.

Carly Soutter
Hunter h2o , SA Branch Vice PresidentAs an empathetic introvert I am drawn to the people aspects of my job and thoroughly enjoy the challenge of understanding a target audience.
One of the highlights of being part of AWA was the opportunity of being handpicked to feature in the coveted SA Gala Dinner & Awards Night feature film as well as attend the event and enjoy the film in its entirety, it’s absolutely worth the wait each year.

Dr Nanda Altavilla
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment, NSW Branch PresidentBeing on the committee with diverse, dedicated professional volunteers for four years continues to be a demonstration of the camaraderie and passion of the water professional to seek to learn, inspire and engage with the wider profession for better water outcomes for our communities. A highlight of my time on the committee is increased regional engagement and expansion of the NSW State Conference.

Nic Morgan
Suburban Land Agency, ACT Branch Vice PresidentI was part of the inaugural national Young Water Professionals (YWP) committee, which helped seed the amazing and active AWA YWP network that we have today. This has created a fantastic opportunity for YWPs to develop their careers and connect with peers across the country. Through my involvement on various AWA committees and the Strategic Advisory Council I have developed a great network of like-minded water professionals from across Australia.

Amanda Hazell
Melbourne Water, VIC Branch PresidentIn my current role I lead a diverse team who provide reporting and insights into our Capital portfolio, to support decision making so that investments meet stakeholder and community expectations. I have loved being involved in AWA throughout my career and it has been an honour to lead the Victorian Branch through a time of such significant change and keep the industry connected through this time.